The Dr. broke my water sometime around 9:30 am and the baby was out at 12:19 pm, less than three hours later.
Here's Stephen's description:
Lincoln was born in one of Jeanisha's favorite colors - Purple. Seems he has been a little bored the last 9 months so he decided to twist the umbilical cord like a rope - A lot. It is hard to describe what it looked like, but it was not normal. Then to add suspense he looped it around his head to finish off his grand entrance.
Lincoln was born in one of Jeanisha's favorite colors - Purple. Seems he has been a little bored the last 9 months so he decided to twist the umbilical cord like a rope - A lot. It is hard to describe what it looked like, but it was not normal. Then to add suspense he looped it around his head to finish off his grand entrance.
He was then given oxygen for a while and then it was determined that he had to much fluid in his lungs. So they decided to do what nurses are best at - they stuck a tube down his nose. They ended up suckingup 20 CC's of fluid which I am told is a lot. All I know is it looked like a lot. He decided to yell at the nurse at that point, which was good.
Life got a lot better for him after that and he decided to open his eyes and smile at all of us. He still has purple feet, and sometimes his hands, but they do not seem too concerned.
The kids came by (except Adam) and were more interested in what cartoons they could have on the T.V. and the almighty hospital cafeteria. Jeanisha asked 7 times what she could eat there before I finally broke down and took them to get something to eat. Jeanisha and Ryan got a cookie, and Tyler got green Jello with whip cream. I got the bill. They did take their turn holding Lincoln, but soon left to watch movies at their cousins house.