Wednesday, July 23, 2008

What are the odds???

We went to the dentist today for regular cleanings and check-ups and they wanted to do panoramic x-rays on the boys. I almost didn't, but since insurance covers it 80%, I figured it wouldn't hurt and could give us some idea of how their adult teeth are developing. Well, it turns out T has an extra tooth on the top, right between the two adult teeth that should be starting to push out his baby teeth sometime soon (he's 6 and hasn't lost any teeth yet). The problem is, the extra tooth is growing the wrong way, so it's keeping those adult ones from coming out. The dentist referred us to an oral surgeon and he'll have to be put all the way out and have it taken out surgically. An extra tooth happens in less than 1% of all people. T's just one of the lucky ones!!!!!

When I think about how many times medically (or dentally) we've hit the extremely remote odds, it's just crazy. Like when J ruptured her appendix before she turned 2, having Jason with Trisomy 13, my weird messed up teeth with extra roots and roots that split into 2 partway down, etc. But, I guess on the other hand, we just hit the remote odds on the good side with the baby, and I'll take this trade-off any day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh boy, I've said the same thing so many times. We've "won" the "medical lottery" quite a few times with abcesses, hemorrhages, etc. Things have been very calm for a long time so hopefully that will continue. I hope the surgery goes well. Please keep us updated.

Melissa :)