Sunday, June 19, 2011

Where babies come from

Adam (4) was sitting with me tonight when Cumorah started moving a bunch and he watched my stomach bouncing around. Then he said, "I know how the baby got in your tummy."
Me: "Really, how?"
Adam: "It came down the chimney and then you swallowed it."
Me: "How did it get to the chimney?"
Adam: "Jesus or Heavenly Father brought it to the chimney and dropped it down."
Me: "How do you know?"
Adam: "I remember from when I was a baby."

So now you know. That's where a baby comes from.

PS As far as our resident baby ducks go, we've lost 2, so we are down to 7, but they are a ton of fun to watch. As long as Bella (d0g) and Lucy (cat) stay away, the mama duck will let me get right up close to the babies (especially if I bring out some bread).


Mary and Gary said...

Ask him how it works if you don't have a chimney....

Ha. That's great. Adam told me that my house isn't as fun as Grandma's house. I told him that he needed to come to mine more often and he would think it was cooler. I think I just don't have cows. : )

Cumorah's almost here! Yay!

CollinsFamily said...

Next time you get up close take a picture!

Leslie B said...

Oh, that is so good to know!

The Moving Girl said...

Hey Lady, so sorry ro hear about Mylinda. She was probably trying to protect herself thinking that since she is now 18 it's only a matter of time before she gets told to leave. I know and you know that is ridiculus but to a child who has been constantly sent from home to home she probably feels like she is being smart. She is your daughter eternally though so nothing can take her away from you. Not even herself. Keep trying. She will learn to trust someday. Miss you a ton! Good luck with the new baby! Congrats :)