Wednesday, October 22, 2008

More than one way to get your oil changed

I'm a little behind posting. Two weeks ago we went to Rupert to my parents house for the weekend. Ryan was getting baptized and we decided to do it there because all of my family was getting together for the guys to go hunting and it is 3 hours closer to all of Stephen's family. The night before we left, I sent Stephen out to check the oil on the van as I was packing. He came back in and said it looked good. The next day, I drove the kids to co-op (30 minutes from home) and then went to my sister Karmas house afterwards. Stephen met me there and we left for Rupert (30 hours away).

We stopped in Twin for a bathroom break and to buy some snacks and Karma called and said we had left a bunch of oil on her driveway and might want to check. Now Karma tends to exaggerate, so when I told Stephen, he figured I meant a little tiny bit and didn't really take it seriously figuring he would check it again at my parents. He had been parked at the grocery store for about 20 minutes and when we backed out there, there were several wet spots under the car, but he didn't look too closely.

Another 20 minutes down the road and we get a call from Karma telling us her husbands plane has just been rerouted to Twin, so we pull of the interstate to see if we are going to need to pick him up. All of the sudden I notice smoke coming out from under the hood of the van!!! We jump out to look and the entire engine and bottom of the hood are COVERED in oil! It turned out that when Stephen checked the oil the night before, he had forgotten to put the lid back on. Amazingly enough, the lid was still sitting under the hood right where he had left it. We called my dad and he brought us more oil-- it took 4 quarts-- almost a full oil change worth. (Turns out there were about 6 spots at Karma's, ranging in size from a baseball to a dinner plate-- for once she wasn't exaggerating!).

It turned out that that was just the start of our interesting adventures on that trip. I'll try to post more--- along with pictures of the baptism--

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