Thursday, July 9, 2009

Who Scoops Poop?

My boys are outside and I just heard them arguing over who gets to scoop up the doggie do in the yard. Both of them are WANTING to be the scoopers. I'm getting ready to water the lawn and when I asked them to clean it up, they started whining about whose turn it was. So I said whoever cleans up the most dog poop will get a treat. Next thing you know I'm hearing, "I found it first, I get to scoop it up." and "I had the shovel first." and the best one, "Mom, he's not letting me clean up the poop?" I just had to laugh.


Shelly said...

LOL! I need to do that so my kids fight over cleaning up (we have the crawling issue as well).

April Mitchell said...

Oh my gosh, that is hilarious. But just give it a few weeks-it could change after the novelty wears off..till then enjoy the enthusiasm.