Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Adoption Update

The homestudy visit went well and our homestudy should be complete by next week. At that point, we start looking for kids on the foster care waiting child lists that we would like to be considered for, we submit our info, and the committee narrows down the applicants and gives the top 3-5 more information. At that point we decide whether we think that child is a match for our family. We've been told to plan on submitting our info on 10-15 kids/sibling groups that we are interested in. We will primarily be looking in Texas, Oregon, and Washington because those are the states our agency has worked with most in the past. It's similar to job hunting and connections can make a huge difference. As far as time goes, it's kind of "hurry up and wait." We get our info out there and watch and wait. Could be 6 months, could be a year, only God knows. But we both feel like this is what we should be doing and that NOW is when we needed to be ready, so as long as we do our part, it will all work out.

The kids are super excited. As we looked through the profiles Jeanisha kept pointing to different kids and saying, "Can we buy that kid?" "What about that one?" Tyler then responded, "It's not buying, it's adopting" in his, I'm older and wiser voice. Then he said, "Mom, can we maybe get enough to kids to play Red Rover?" :) I guess it depends on the size of the teams, technically you can play Red Rover with 5 people, so we are already there, right?

As part of the homestudy, our social worker talked to the kids and asked what they thought. When she asked Ryan why were wanted to adopt, he said very matter-of-factly, "Mom and Dad prayed about it and know it's right." She then told him it was great to trust his parents, and then told him he could pray about it too. He responded, "I know. I already did."

We have some friends that have 9 kids, 8 of whom are adopted. My kids think that family is SO lucky because "there would ALWAYS be someone to play with, even if some kids have to stay in and finish homework."


Lara said...

Wow, what an exciting time for your family, I can't imagine the anticipation and the not knowing. Sounds like you are coping well with it!! What do the kids think??

Leslie B said...

That is just so wonderful!! You have such great kids. I am so excited for you guys!!

Shelly said...

Thanks for the update! Sounds like things are going well. I hope the waiting isn't too hard.

Melissa said...

We've always wanted to adopt. When we had 3 kids we tried and were told that even though it could work, it would be hard with "so many" kids. Now we're expecting our sixth and I'm wondering if we will run into even bigger obstacles because of our "large" family. Was this a problem for you?

Good luck. Please keep us updated as this progresses. I am so happy for you!

Melissa :)

Rachelle Christensen said...

Janet, your kids are hilarious! I love the Red Rover comment! Good luck with everything. :)