Saturday, August 1, 2009

Adoption Meeting

Since my last adoption update, we've submitted our homestudy to several states, mostly on younger kids. We also read about a 16 year old girl, Trish, who was featured on Wednesday's child and both Stephen and I felt completely at peace and that she would be a good fit for our family. Out of all the kids we've sent our paperwork in on, she is the one who we haven't been able to stop thinking about. If you want to read her profile it is here.

Anyway, we are one of 3 families that they are considering for her and we had the chance to meet her this past Monday. Because of her age, they are letting her meet each of the families and have some say in the decision. I can't imagine being in her shoes right now and how hard that would be. I know how nervous and excited Stephen and I were to meet her. We went out to lunch with her and a couple of social workers and I think it went really well. She seemed very sweet and both of us left with a strong feeling that she would be a great addition to our family.

The committee of state workers who will make the decision is meeting on August 12.

It will be a long 2 weeks. We're praying they will make the right decision for her, and hoping it is us!


Sally said...

She looks and sounds awesome! We will be praying for you and can't wait to hear the outcome.

Leslie B said...

Wow! She seems like a great girl!! I hope all goes well.

April Mitchell said...

I found your blog again, and added you to my follow list. I'd thought I was following you before and you had just stopped blogging. was the meeting. So I hope it went well-let us know what happened. You guys are so awesome to adopt!!