Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Grocery Bargains

I need a positive post, and still haven't had Stephen pull of the pictures, so I thought I would share my most recent coupon adventure. It mostly used catalinas, those receipt like things that print out at the end of your order at Albertsons and rebates.

I bought 12 Tombstone frozen pizzas, 10 packages of Chips Ahoy cookies, 4 packages of Planters Trail Mix, 4 Velveeta single serving mac and cheese, and 6 mini Hagaan-Daaz ice creams. My total was $55.80 and it will cost me $1.76 to mail them in, but I have $10 in coupons for my next Albertsons shopping trip, and I will get $70 back in rebates. SO, I will end up making $22.44 on the deal!!!! Pretty sweet!


Melissa said...

You really need to do a post on HOW EXACTLY you do this!

I'm sorry about your adoption. It must be so hard to come so close and feel so good about it and then have it not work out. But Heavenly Father knows where your child is.

Melissa :)

April Mitchell said...

You are so awesome Janet with your savings!

Birrd said...

That is phenomenal! There's a girl in our stake named Melinda who is famous for getting stuff like $75 worth of groceries for $2.50 and everyone thinks she's amazing, but you're even better!

She gets anything she can for next to nothing even if it's stuff her family doesn't use. Then she turns around and has "grocery garage sales" and makes a wad of cash selling her stuff she got for nearly free for half retail price.

Melissa said...

Hi Janet,

I responded to your comment on my blog, but I also wanted to respond here as well.

We used Writing with Ease, Grade 1 last year for my first grader and kindergartner. We really enjoyed it. It focuses on narration and dictation, using classical children's literature. The kids really enjoyed their lessons. We are moving into Grade 2 this year and looking forward to it. Oh, and I bought the book and the workbook. Only the workbook is really necessary though.

Melissa :)

Anonymous said...

Wow! You are an amazing bargain shopper! I love getting good deals.