Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Not Chosen

I just heard and we were not chosen to adopt Trish. They said we were "in there right until the very end" and "our training and background would have been a good fit, but. . . " like that's supposed to make me feel any better. Anyway, we're pretty disappointed. It's just frustrating not to be able to do ANYTHING and to have the decision made by "the committee," a bunch of people who have never even met us.


Mary and Gary said...

Sorry to hear that! Everything works out the way it is supposed to in the end, right? Keep us updated!

Sally said...

Janet -

Oh, I am so sorry. It is almost harder to be that close to it and then have the rug pulled out from underneath you. I know there isn't a lot to say that would it make better, but I'm sorry. You guys will be in our thoughts and prayers. Hang in there.


Mary Ann said...

Janet, I'm sorry. I know you guys were hoping this would work out. We're thinking of you, just know that!