Friday, January 2, 2009


I've always thought the newborn pictures were so cute, but never got them taken with the other kids. Here is Lincoln at 2 weeks. Isn't he cute? He is such a good baby, so easy-going and sweet and calm. He puts up with a lot of loving from his siblings. None of the kids can get enough of him. They are always asking to hold him or lay by him and he is picked up by someone at the slightest whimper.

Poor baby has a staph infection right now though and has a rash all over his face. I have it too and it is itchy, itchy, itchy!!!! Little blisters from my knees to my ankles and from my wrists to my elbows. But we are both on antibiotics now, so hopefully we can get rid of it. (Things like this always happen over holidays too when it is impossible to see a doctor!)


Mary and Gary said...

He is such a good looking baby! He definitaly has some of the Cox features. Good luck with your Staph infection....those can be really annoying!!

April Mitchell said...

Oh, this is so sweet.

Shelly said...

Cute cute!!

I hope the antibiotics work quickly for both of you.

We think the twins have hit their fussy peak and are working their way down, a peaceful baby sounds very nice!

Leslie B said...

He is a cutie!! Love it!!

Zumba Girl said...

Oh my lands!!! He is so cute!! Congratulations to you and your family. I want to come by and see him and you. Let me know when I can come by. Cute, cute pictures!!!

Heaths said...

An adorable baby!!! I hope you both get feeling well.