Saturday, March 13, 2010

Toilet troubles!

Adam was the last kid to go brush his teeth tonight, and there were no older siblings in the bathroom with him. Stephen walked in a minute later to find him swishing his toothbrush in the toilet.
Stephen (calmly): What are you doing?
Adam: I got too much toothpaste on my toothbrush.
Stephen: So what are you doing?
Adam (matter-of-factly): Washing it off.

He has a new toothbrush.

And unfortunately, he is proud of his new toothbrush and was excitedly telling the other kids about it like it was a great reward.

Add to this Lincoln. That kid LOVES the toilet. It's a daily battle to get all the kids to keep the toilet lid and door closed, especially since I'm trying to potty train Adam and the other kids are helpfully taking him frequently. (Both Adam and whoever takes him get a treat if he goes.)

I swear Lincoln watches for the door to be left open and his faces lights up with joy when he manages to get away with it for a minute. So far today, he's managed to put a spatula, a spoon, and a bottle of salad dressing into the toilet! (The salad dressing was when I was bringing in and putting away groceries.)

I do watch the kids, I promise, they just think the toilet was made for their entertainment.


Zumba Girl said...

lol!! You made me smile today! I miss you and your sweetness.. I am so glad to see that you are happy and well. Your family looks so great!! Love it!

Birrd said...

Hope it makes you feel better to know that I got a big laugh out of what Lincoln puts in the toilet! Salad dressing! That's classic! In 30 years when you write a family trivia game for a family reunion that's going to be in there for sure!!!

Mary and Gary said...

Hook line and sinker. You had me at the title! Good luck! I can't even imagine what its like! : )